How do I determine if I have Iodine deficiency? We offer the 24 hour urine iodine test. We send you the test material to the address provided with instructions. You can collect the specimen in the privacy of your own home and then send it directly to the lab. Step 1: Take the enclosed Iodine tablets and begin the 24-hr…
Limcomin is a multi-nutrient formula designed to increase cellular sodium and reduce cellular potassium in cases where a NA/K inversion exists as confirmed by a Tissue Mineral Hair Analysis. Bio-Immuun is also used to fight infections.
Bio-Immuun is a multi-nutrient formula designed to increase cellular sodium and reduce cellular potassium in cases where a NA/K inversion exists as confirmed by a Tissue Mineral Hair Analysis. Bio-Immuun is also used to fight infections.
Magnesium is one of the body’s most important minerals. It is required as a cofactor in hundreds of enzymatic processes within cells. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, promotes healthy cardiovascular function, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps maintain blood sugar and blood pressure levels already within normal…
Mega-Pan is a multiple vitamin-mineral product for slow oxidizers. Bio-Multi stresses those nutrients which correlate well with those effecting one's metabolic rate. These nutrients include the B-complex, particularly B1, B3, B5 and B6. Other important nutrients in Bio-Multi are vitamin C, vitamin E, manganese, zinc and chromium. Other nutrients are present in trace quantities.
Vitamin B12 is present in foods of animal origin, such as dairy products and eggs. Thus, vegetarians are more prone to a dietary deficiency of this important nutrient. Likewise, low vitamin B12 seems to happen more in elderly individuals than younger groups. It is estimated that 10% to 30% of individuals over the age of 50 cannot properly metabolise vitamin…
Ova-Adren contains a special combination of freeze-dried ovary and adrenal gland nucleoprotein with important synergetic nutrients. Glandular products contain enzymes and polypeptides which have been shown to enhance adrenal and ovary glandular activity.
Paramin is formulated to provide the necessary balance of calcium and magnesium. Macromin provides these essential elements in a very well absorbed form including calcium and magnesium citrate and chelate. This product also contains supportive nutrients including boron and vitamin D3 to enhance the absorption and utilization of these essential minerals.
Paramin is formulated to provide the necessary balance of calcium and magnesium. Macromin provides these essential elements in a very well absorbed form including calcium and magnesium citrate and chelate. This product also contains supportive nutrients including boron and vitamin D3 to enhance the absorption and utilization of these essential minerals.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCl) is vital for numerous life processes and can be found in conventional supplements. Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate is the metabolically active form of vitamin B6 that has been shown to protect lipids and proteins against glycation. Blood sugar (glucose) can react with proteins and lipids in your body, particularly when blood levels are high. This unwanted reaction causes…
The assessment consists of two parts that contain series of TRUE / FALSE questions. The first part of the test determines your dominant nature. The second part will determine if you are experiencing any biochemical deficiencies. Both tests should be completed in one sitting. IMPORTANT NOTE: This assessment can only be done when you are redirected by your therapist to…
The assessment consists of six parts (51 questions) that contain series of YES / No questions. After the payment is completed, You have access to the Questionaire Vitamine B12 via the website. You will be granted access for 7 days. After that period, the link is automatically shut down for you.
This product is very useful in escorting heavy metals from the body, and customers are encouraged to take this product during their Nutritional Balancing program. Renamide contains kidney nucleoprotein together with specific synergistic nutrients.
SBF Formula is a special combination of 10 minerals, vitamins and glandular concentrates, specifically formulated to enable one to escape from adrenal burnout (exhaustion) by increasing cellular energy production, detoxifying toxic by-products of metabolism, enhancing toxic metal elimination and enabling one to more adequately cope with stress. Often used for a low NA/K ratio, with extreme slow oxidation or a…
Bio-Stim is a special combination of 10 minerals, vitamins and glandular concentrates, specifically formulated to enable one to escape from adrenal burnout (exhaustion) by increasing cellular energy production, detoxifying toxic by-products of metabolism, enhancing toxic metal elimination and enabling one to more adequately cope with stress. Often used for a low NA/K ratio, with extreme slow oxidation or a CA/MG…
Selenium is an important antioxidant for your body and is required as a cofactor of glutathione peroxidase. At the same time, it is incorporated into proteins to make selenoproteins, the antioxidant properties of which contribute to blocking cellular damage from free radicals. High doses of vitamin C (over 1 gram) may enhance the absorption of selenium. This mineral is best…