BioGABA from Natural Factors® is a natural form of GABA, produced from Lactobacillus hilgardii (bacteria that ferments vegetables). This product appears to cross the blood-brain barrier and therefore be active in your brain as a result of which it promotes relaxation. Its effects may be better noticed, because this form is more powerful than L-Theanine. BioGABAdoes not cause any known adverse…
Cytidine-Choline is a substance needed by the brain to produce acetylcholine, a major brain/motor neuron neurotransmitter that facilitates the transmission of impulses between neurons. The importance of choline for maintaining health in adults has been recognized for some time, but published studies point to its critical role in brain development. CDP-choline stands for cytidine-5’-diphosphate choline. This unique form of choline…
L-phenylalanine is an essential amino acid that cannot be naturally manufactured by your body. It needs to be acquired via external sources and then converted within your body through several steps. It begins in the liver, where it is converted to L-tyrosine. The process continues in the brain and adrenal glands, where L-tyrosine can be converted to dopamine, norepinephrine and…
Selenium is an important antioxidant for your body and is required as a cofactor of glutathione peroxidase. At the same time, it is incorporated into proteins to make selenoproteins, the antioxidant properties of which contribute to blocking cellular damage from free radicals. High doses of vitamin C (over 1 gram) may enhance the absorption of selenium. This mineral is best…
The Japanese have long known that L-theanine, an amino acid derived from green tea, is a natural relaxant that diminishes stress, without side effects. Nowadays, the effect it has on the brain is compared with meditation, massage and aromatherapy. Some of the benefits include relaxation and a sense of wellbeing. Moreover, L-Theanine enhances the ability to concentrate, to learn and…
Taurine is a bioactive molecular, present in meat, fish and energy drinks. Taurine is being produced and metabolize by the human body. It plays an important role in the functioning of the heart muscle and nerves, and protects the photoreceptor molecules in the eyes. Taurine has a positive effect on heart functioning.