This product is very useful in escorting heavy metals from the body, and customers are encouraged to take this product during their Nutritional Balancing program. Renamide contains kidney nucleoprotein together with specific synergistic nutrients.
SBF Formula is a special combination of 10 minerals, vitamins and glandular concentrates, specifically formulated to enable one to escape from adrenal burnout (exhaustion) by increasing cellular energy production, detoxifying toxic by-products of metabolism, enhancing toxic metal elimination and enabling one to more adequately cope with stress. Often used for a low NA/K ratio, with extreme slow oxidation or a…
Bio-Stim is a special combination of 10 minerals, vitamins and glandular concentrates, specifically formulated to enable one to escape from adrenal burnout (exhaustion) by increasing cellular energy production, detoxifying toxic by-products of metabolism, enhancing toxic metal elimination and enabling one to more adequately cope with stress. Often used for a low NA/K ratio, with extreme slow oxidation or a CA/MG…
Stress Pak is specifically formulated to reduce an excessive rate of metabolism or oxidation rate. The Stress Pak contains a specific group of nutrients designed to slow the central nervous system, and to reduce excessive thyroid and adrenal gland function. These nutrients include calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B12, choline, pantothenic acid, methionine, bioflavonoids, zinc, iodine and copper.
Bio-Thyro is a multiple glandular product designed to support thyroid glandular activity. Bio-Thyro is hormone-free and contains low-temperature freeze-dried glandular material.